The following test is a typical one. We are checking that the symbol ‘>’ is correctly parsed as a Command.Greater. On Line 27, we are making sure that an Exception is raised if we encounter an incorrect Play. Sprache allows also to use TryParse, instead of Parse, if you don’t want to throw an exception. As you can see the simplicity of tool make very easy to test it.

Let’s Put Everything Together

The main function doesn’t contain anything shocking, on the lines 27-28 we parse the input and execute the proper command, then, on 31, we check whether we guessed the correct number and if so we prepare to exit the cycle. Notice that we provide a way to exit the game even without guessing the number correctly, but we check for ‘q’ before trying to parse, because it would be an illegal command for GameParser.


This blog talks much about Language Engineering, which is a fascinating topic, but it is not always used in the everyday life of the average developer. Sprache, instead, is one tool that any developer could find a use for. When a RegEx wasn’t good enough you probably have simply redesigned your application, making your life more complicated. Now you don’t need to. When you meet the mortal enemy of regular expressions, that is to say nested expression, you can just use Sprache, right in your code.

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Published at DZone with permission of Federico Tomassetti , DZone MVB. See the original article here.
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